"Current Events"

United States District Attorney George M. Duskin, of the Southern District of Alabama, is at Washington for the purpose of attempting to prevent a further destruction of the monitor Tecumseh, sunk in Mobile harbor in 1864, when Farragut captured the forts. A wrecking company purchased the monitor some months ago from Secretary Richardson, and not-withstanding the fact that 200 men are entombed therein, were preparing to blow her up for the purpose of preserving the old iron belonging to the vessel. Attorney Duskin, after the sale of Tecumseh, filed a bill in the Circuit Court of the United States to prevent the Bell Boat Wrecking Company from blowing up the sunken vessel, and the court decided in favor of the bill filed. The Company has appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the District Attorney will endeavor to defeat their further action in the case.

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