
"Obituary: Dr. Henry A. Danker, U.S.N."

There can now be no doubt that Dr. Henry A. Danker, Assistant Surgeon on the Monitor Tecumseh, went down with that unfortunate vessel on the 5th of August last. The last spark of hope was extinguished in the breasts of his relatives and friends in his native place, Troy, N.Y., by the recent reception of a letter from Gardner Cottrell, Master U.S.N., one of the two surviving officers rescued from the sinking vessel. Mr. Cottrell states that the Surgeon was below in the ward-room at the moment of the explosion, and that there is no reason to doubt but that he met his death when the Monitor sank.

After passing through an academical course at the Rev. Dr. Tucker's "Boy's School of the Holy Cross," Mr. Danker entered the Troy University, where he remained for two years. Thence he went to Luzerne, Saratoga Co., N.Y., and at the boyish age of seventeen years, took the place of a school teacher. He then entered the Army where he served for six months in winter and spring of 1861-62. While thus employed he commenced the study of medicine under Brigade Surgeon Prince; seized with the typhus fever and nearly dying, on his recovery, he was discharged from the service. The State then sent him on a tour through main, to collect specimens for the Cabinet at Albany. Returning, he continued his professional studies under the direction of Dr. Thomas W. Blatchford, a kind friend and benefactor, acting meanwhile as medical assistant at the Marshall Infirmary in Albany. After taking a course of lectures at the Albany Medical College, he entered the "College of Physicians and Surgeons" in New York City, whence he graduated in March 1864. He also passed the rigid examination for the Regular Navy, before a board of Fleet Surgeons, at Philadelphia, Pa., standing third on the list sent in to Secretary Welles. Ordered first to the receiving ship North Carolina, he was soon detached and ordered to the Monitor Tecumseh, on which he perished, along with the gallant Craven and his crew, in the midst of the storm and shock of battle.

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