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The data here has been collated from period publications and historical records produced by Congress and the U. S. Navy that are deposited in the National Archives and accessible on-line. While the names are accurate as far as I can collect from currently accessible records, per a letter from RADM Samuel P. Lee in November 1864 while he, Farragut and David Porter were trying to figure out who all exactly was aboard the Tecumseh, CDR Craven did not send any of the Tecumseh's logs ashore before sailing for Pensacola and then to Mobile Bay. However they appeared to have managed to put together a reconstructed muster roll that has most of the enlisted sailors excluding those transfered from the Minnesota.

I do not do genealogical research and cannot tell you more information on ancestors or descendants of the sailors and marines listed on these pages or do look ups of information. Citations are at the bottom of each page naming the source of the information for that purpose. Nor will I do your school history homework. All requests of these nature will be ignored. If you are researching a sailor who served during the Civil War, please see the records at as a starting point (FYI: if you are active duty, the MWR online library has free access to that site as well as

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